Canon Camera Connect app - Kamlesh Singh Kr

Kamlesh Singh Kr

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Monday, February 4, 2019

Canon Camera Connect app

Are all functions available on all cameras?

How do I connect my Canon EOS DSLR to my mobile device?

How do I connect my Canon EOS M3, Canon PowerShot or IXUS to my mobile device?

How do I get photos from my camera onto my phone or tablet?

What does GPS via Mobile allow me to do?

How do I add GPS data to my images?

How do I change the camera settings on the Camera Connect app?

I have managed to connect to the app, but once in it, my Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting. What should I do?

How can I get the app onto my phone or tablet

I used to use the CameraWindow app, but my camera cannot connect to the new Camera Connect app even though it is installed?

How do I connect using NFC?

My camera has NFC but it activates the CameraWindow app, how do I use Camera Connect?

How do I reset the Wi-Fi connection on my Canon PowerShot or IXUS camera?

How do I reset the Wi-Fi connection on my Canon DSLR camera?

How can I provide feedback?



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